• Is it right for American Credit Acceptance to clear engine codes to get more money for their cars?

    Clearing engine codes may make a car appear to be in better condition, but it can also be considered fraud if the codes were cleared in order to hide a problem with the car. If a car has a known issue and the codes are cleared to hide it, it can lead to legal issues and damage the reputation of the seller. Additionally, if a potential buyer discovers that the codes have been cleared, it may cause them to question the condition and integrity of the vehicle, which could lead to a lower selling price.

    Therefore, it is important that the seller be transparent about any known issues with the car and provide any relevant documentation such as service records or inspection reports. If the car has been serviced and the codes have been cleared as part of that service, it is advisable for the seller to have the mechanic who cleared the codes provide a written statement to that effect.

    It is better to be honest about the condition of the car and provide any relevant documentation than to try to hide problems in order to get a higher price. It may lead to lower price, but it will help to build trust with the buyers and maintain reputation of the seller.

  • Why Manheim seller American Credit Acceptance would deceive buyers by clearing engine codes

    A seller may hide issues with a car to deceive buyers in order to get a higher price for the car or to sell it quickly.

    1. Higher Price: By hiding issues, the seller may be able to sell the car for a higher price than it is actually worth. This can be especially true in an auction setting, where competition can drive up the price of a car.
    2. Quick Sale: Hiding issues with a car can also allow a seller to quickly sell a car that may not otherwise be as desirable. This can be useful for sellers who are looking to get rid of a car quickly, for example if they are in need of cash or in a rush to sell.
    3. Lack of knowledge: Some sellers may not be aware that there are issues with the car and may not have the knowledge or means to properly inspect the car before putting it up for sale.
    4. Misleading: Some sellers may deliberately mislead buyers by hiding issues with the car, in an attempt to make a quick sale.

    It is important to note that deceiving buyers by hiding issues with a car is illegal and can lead to serious legal and financial consequences. Additionally, it can damage the reputation of the seller and the auction house, and can lead to a loss of business in the long run.

  • Why deceiving buyers is a bad idea

    Deceiving buyers by hiding problems with a car or clearing engine codes to hide low compressions is a bad idea for car auctions for several reasons:

    1. Legal Consequences: Deceiving buyers is illegal and can result in serious legal consequences for the seller.
    2. Loss of Reputation: When buyers find out that they have been deceived, they will likely tell others about their negative experience, which can result in a loss of reputation for the seller and the auction house.
    3. Loss of Business: If buyers feel that they cannot trust a seller or auction house, they may be less likely to do business with them in the future, which can result in a loss of business.
    4. Financial Loss: Deceiving buyers can also result in a financial loss for the seller, as they may have to refund the buyer’s money or make costly repairs to the car.
    5. Ethical Issues: Deceiving buyers is an unethical practice and can damage the trust that buyers have in the car buying process.

    In summary, deceiving buyers is a short-sighted decision that can lead to legal and ethical issues, loss of reputation, loss of business and financial loss. It is always better for sellers to be honest and transparent about the condition of the car, as it will benefit them in the long run.

  • Here’s a review from a friend of mine

    I was in the market for a new car and decided to check out an auction at Manheim Dallas. The seller was American Credit Acceptance and they had a few cars that caught my eye. I decided to bid on a car that seemed to be in great condition, both inside and out.

    As the bidding process began, I noticed that the car was getting a lot of attention from other buyers. I figured that it must be a great deal and that’s why so many people were interested in it. I ended up winning the auction and was excited to take my new car home.

    However, after I got the car home and had it inspected, I found out that the seller had hiddenly cleared engine codes to hide low compressions. I was shocked and felt like I had been taken advantage of. I immediately contacted American Credit Acceptance and they didn’t reply.

    I learned a valuable lesson that day – always get a car inspected before buying it, no matter where you purchase it from. And to be more careful when buying from American Credit Acceptance.

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